JVM Architecture Part - 1
I will be explaining the architecture of
JVM. That is the Java Virtual Machine Architecture.
Java Application contains many java
The main function of JVM is to load and
execute the java application.
When you have your java class written in MyClass.java
We use javac MyClass.java command to
compile this class.
This compilation creates a .class file that
has the bytecode.
So compilation is process of converting
java source code into byte code.
Once the bytecode is generated and is
present .class file,
We invoke, java MyClass command to execute
the program
When we invoke this java command, that is
when the JVM comes into picture, a JVM instance will be created to load and
execute the given class.
JVM has 3 different subsystems
Class Loader Subsystem
Runtime Data Areas
Execution Engine
Now we will see how these subsystems work
together to accomplish the given execution task.
1. Class Loader Subsystem:
The Class Loader Subsystem has 3
1. Load
§ Load phase does the
loading the bytecode that is your .class file into memory.
§ It can load byte code from
various sources
§ Like in our example, When
you call java MyClass, the class loader loads the byte code from the file system.
§ Like this, it can also
load bytecode from network socket.
Load phase involves 3 different class
i. Bootstrap Class Loader
Thiis is responsible for loading the
internal classes those are distributed with your jvm implementation while you
installed java.
ii. Extension Class Loader
This is responsible for
loading whatever class files that are present in jre/lib/ext.
iii. Application Class
This is responsible for loading classes
specified in the CLASSPATH environment variable.
If you specify –cp
parameter along with java command, then application class loader will also
loads the classes specified in –cp parameter as well.
2. Link
Link phase has 3 different phases
i. Verify
Verify phase is responsible for
whether the byte code is valid java byte code or not
Whether it is in proper format that will be interpreted or
ii. Prepare
In this step, memory is allocated for
the class level static variables.
When we declare any static variable
in a class like this
Private static boolean
Memory will be allocated for this
static variable in this phase.
Since its memory allocation, some
default vlaue will be assigned to it. In this case its false will be assigned
to this boolean variable.
iii. Resolve
All symbolic references inside the
current class are resolved in this phase.
Suppose if the current
class is having references to other classes or any constant pools, those
references will be substituted by the actual references in this phase.
Though these 3 phases are
depicted in sequential manner, they may execute in parallel and sometimes the
phases may overlap based on the JVM implementation.
3. Initialize
This phase is responsible for
executing your static initializers.
Say for example, your class that is
having some static block like
This will be executed in this phase.
If your class is assigned with any
values to static variables, those values are set into memory in this phase.
This will override the default values that were set to the same static
variables in prepare step of Link phase.
That is about Class loader sub system
There are exceptions that we
generally see while executing java program
This will be thrown when the class
loader is unable to load the class from any of the sources in the load phase.
Suppose if there are two classes A
and B and while we are running the class A,
A will be loaded properly by class
Then in Resolve step of Link phase,
as the class A is having reference to B and if it is unable to find class B,
then it will through the ClassDefNotFoundException.
Run Time Data Areas concept is explained here.
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